Deposit | BAOVIET Bank


Term Deposit

Customer benefits are maximized thanks to various deposit terms, interest payment methods as well as simple and fast deposit procedures.

Certificate Deposit

Long-term connection, desired fortune

"Chap Canh Tuong Lai" Saving

Children is everything to parents. Let's prepare your baby's future from today with Future Wings Savings.

Progressive Interest Savings

With the product, the saving interest rate will progress in conformity with your saving amount, “the higher the saving, the higher the interest rate”

"Gom Loc Phat Tai" Saving

Driven by saying "Many a little makes a mickle', Wealth Accumulator Savings is designed for customer to cumulate idle income to complete future plans.

Prepaid Interest Saving

The product meets customers’ demand of discount interest.

Periordic Interest Saving

Monthly/quarterly interest payment is available to meet regular consumption demand.

Term savings - Interest paid at maturity

Suitable for those without regular need of cash but want to gain the highest interest from saving amount.

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